Home-School Agreements are a means of strengthening the partnership between pupils, parents and school. What the school staff call ‘The Power of Three’. All schools have their own versions of these documents.
This important document has been prepared, after consultation with pupils, parents, governors and staff. It is hoped it will make clear the role each of us can play to ensure a good quality education for all pupils at Waycroft, Wicklea and Woodlands.
The responsibilities listed reflect the schools agreed aims. Please read through carefully and sign in the appropriate places.
Waycroft MAT Aims, Vision and Values
Mission statement
To enable our pupils to be Independent, confident members of the community who are equipped with skills to be lifelong learners to engage with their dreams and aspirations.
- Our academies will provide safe, nurturing learning environments that provide all children with opportunities to thrive and achieve their full potential.
- Our staff will promote the Trust values, be energetic and passionate about what they do, feel valued for their work and having a wealth of opportunities to develop themselves, progress their careers and maintain a good work-life balance.
- Our MAT will welcome schools to join us and work in collaboration through shared vision and values to benefit pupils, adults and the community.
- Our assets will be managed effectively to enable all academies to thrive through collaboration and expertise
Living & Learning Together

Key Stage 2
Pupil Responsibilities
I shall:
- Attend school regularly and on time, dressed in uniform and properly equipped.
- Do my best to reach high standards of work and behaviour.
- Follow the school’s values and encourage others to do so by being a good role model for others and respecting decisions made by adults in the school.
- Consider the feelings of others in school, in the community, around the world and at home and learn about the rights of every child.
- Show respect for people from all religions and cultures.
- Care for my own possessions and the property of others.
- Share my school life with those at home, talking about the day, showing them my homework, reading and discussing books together.
- Complete class and homework on time.
- Act upon any comments teachers make about my work.
- Give parents/carers notes from school and take returns back to school by the deadline set.
- Attend regularly any clubs that I join.
- Play an active part in the life of school.
All these statements are of equal importance.
Child’s name
Registration group (Block capitals please)
Child’s signature
School Responsibilities
Staff and governors will:
- Embrace the aims and values of the school in a professional manner.
- Create a safe, happy and caring environment where every individual is encouraged to reach their full potential.
- Provide a balanced curriculum whilst meeting the individual needs of each child.
- Respect and teach about the rights of every child and the MAT values
- Praise and use positive comments whenever possible recognising each child’s achievements.
- Form a partnership with parents and keep them informed.
- Be approachable by both parents and children, respond to concerns promptly and respect confidentiality.
- Inform parents of any concerns the school may have as regards their child’s work or behaviour.
- Praise and encourage all pupils to build their self-esteem and enjoy learning.
- Deal quickly with any form of bullying, unkindness, racial or homophobic harassment in a calm, compassionate but firm way to the benefit of all concerned.
- Set a good example in both conduct and dress.
- Give parents the opportunity to become actively involved in the life of the school.
Parent/Carer Responsibilities
I/We shall:
- See that my child attends school regularly in line with the Attendance Policy, on time, dressed appropriately and properly equipped. In the case of absence, the school will be informed as soon as possible with evidence provided if requested.
- Understand that leave of absence forms should only be submitted for exceptional circumstances, which are not holidays.
- Work in partnership with the school for my child’s academic and social well-being.
- Inform school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s work or behaviour.
- Encourage my child to have good manners, respect and tolerance for others in the school, the community and the world.
- Support my child by providing a suitable environment for the completion of homework and ensuring it is returned on time.
- Encourage my child’s individuality by listening, giving quality time and become actively involved in my child’s school life.
- Read newsletters and other communications, and respond promptly when required.
- Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.
- Encourage my child to regularly attend any extra-curricular activities they may have joined and collect on time.
- Ensure my child’s school meal account is kept in credit.
- Uphold the school’s values and accept the consequences if a child fails to comply with these.
Parent/Guardian’s Name (Block capitals please)
Parent/Carer Signature(s)
Waycroft Multi Academy Trust
Executive Headteacher: Tracy French
Waycroft Academy, Head of School Lisa Craig: 0117 377 2198 Wicklea Academy, Head of School Matthew Morgan: 0117 9030480 Woodlands Academy, Head of School Heather Morris: 0117 3533506