Behaviour Policy

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History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Promoting excellent behaviour at Wicklea Academy

We want everyone to behave in an outstanding manner so that they can take part in outstanding learning.


We believe that learning takes place best when children and adults feel safe and happy. Good behaviour in the classroom and throughout the academy is essential if this is to be the case.

Aims and expectations

At Wicklea Academy, we value every member of the Academy community. In our community, we want everyone to feel valued and respected, and to be treated fairly. We are a caring community, with values built on mutual trust and respect for all. This policy aims to promote an environment in which relationships are honest, caring and constructive and everyone feels happy and safe.

The primary aim of our Behaviour Policy is to promote good relationships, fostering consideration and respect for others. The child’s behaviour is seen as an expression of their feelings.

This policy aims to help children to grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the academy community where there is an ethos of kindness and co-operation.

We treat all children fairly and apply this behaviour policy in a consistent way. This policy is designed to celebrate positive behaviour and give strategies to children to support them in achieving this behaviour.

In order to promote good behaviour we;

  • Develop children’s understanding of our values: Respectful, Ready, Resilient
  • Teach our behaviour curriculum so everyone knows and follows our expectations and routines
  • Ensure that all staff promote good behaviour through a common approach to behaviour, knowing out values, expectations and routines
  • Consistently follow up when children are not showing our values, expectations or following out routines
  • Frequently use praise and rewards
  • Develop support programmes for pupils who are experiencing difficulty

Our School values

Wicklea Academy has three values, which should be evident in every lesson, corridor and playground every day.

Our aim is ‘to enable our pupils to be independent, confident members of the community who are equipped with skills to be lifelong learners to engage with their dreams and aspirations’. The Wicklea Academy community very much believe that we are a team of adults and children who are all on a learning journey. We share the excitement of achieving and learning new things. We all have different strengths, interests and things we find difficult, because of this we believe passionately that Wicklea Academy will deliver a broad and balanced curriculum and a range of enrichment activities.

Equal opportunities

Incidents of racism, sexism, harassment, victimisation, sexualised behaviour and homophobia are dealt with very severely. The parents/carers of the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s) are contacted immediately. All incidents are logged and reported to the Local Academy Councillors and Trustees.

Counselling will be available, if required, for victims or perpetrators.


All children have the right to learn and work in an environment where they feel safe and that is free from harassment and bullying. As with racism, incidents where bullying is proven are dealt with very seriously. The parents/carers of the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s) are contacted immediately (for further details please refer to the Trust’s anti-bullying policy).


You WILL be rewarded for great behaviour and showing our values! To reward children we use:

  • A smile
  • Reward points (will convert to house points)
  • Reward shop
  • Emails home
  • Shining Star Award (certificate for amazing effort)
  • Praise postcard
  • Recognition board in each class
  • Verbal praise
  • Headteacher Award
  • Non-uniform day for winning house
  • Achievement Award (certificate for academic achievement)
  • TT Rockstars certificates

We believe it is very important to frequently acknowledge and celebrate pupil achievement in all aspects of school life therefore, rewards are an extremely important part of Wicklea Academy.


We expect all of our children to show our values, meet our expectations and follow our routines. If they choose not to then consequences are put in place. There are other behaviours that will not be tolerated.

Every time a poor behaviour is seen there will be a consequence. These might be:

  • Verbal and non-verbal reminders
  • Warnings
  • Time out
  • Missing playtime or lunchtime
  • Meeting with a senior leader
  • Suspension
  • Exclusion

Whenever a child has missed a playtime, lunchtime or met with a senior leader they will complete a reflection sheet. This provides an opportunity to talk about the behaviour displayed and support the child to not repeat this behaviour. These are shared with class teachers and parents.

The expectations and routines that we have at Wicklea are set out in our Behaviour Curriculum. Incidences of poor behaviour and not showing our values are recorded and the consequences are detailed below.

If pupils are unresponsive to the consequences, the Family Link Worker along with a senior leader will meet the parents to create a Behaviour Support Plan. The SENDCO, class teacher, other relevant adults, parents/carers and child will all be involved in creating the plan, which will be reviewed regularly.

Parent support

Parental support is crucial to ensuring the best outcomes for all pupils. Positive behaviour patterns are more likely to embed if pupils know that all adults are working together to support them and respect is shown for school decisions. The school is well equipped to support or signpost parents who require support with their child’s behaviour. Ensuring pupils have good attendance and are punctual also supports positive behaviour and engagement.

Pupils working outside of the behaviour policy

Our behaviour policy may not meet the needs of all pupils and some pupils may require an individual behaviour plan. These pupils may have special educational needs or social, emotional and mental health concerns. They may also be experiencing emotional difficulties as result of experiences in their life. In these cases, we may make reasonable adjustments from the school behaviour policy to support these pupils with their behaviour. However, a tailored approach should complement the whole school policy without lowering expectations of any pupil’s behaviour. A tailored plan will normally involve accessing support from outside agencies to support the pupil and their behaviour.

When a pupil is in a heightened emotional state (dysregulated), staff will endeavour to de- escalate and help the pupil to regulate their emotions by:

  • Talking calmly and show care or concern
  • Offering verbal advice and support
  • Using distraction techniques
  • Reminding about consequences
  • Limiting their choices
  • Giving appropriate time and space and use of pastoral room (when available)
  • Offering reassurance
  • Swapping staff to an adult the child has a good relationship with

Physical restraint (Positive Handling)

In some circumstances, staff may use reasonable force to restrain a pupil to prevent them:

  • Causing disorder
  • Hurting themselves or others
  • Damaging property

Incidents of physical restraint must always be used as a last resort, be done by trained adults and be applied using the minimum amount of force for the minimum amount of time possible. It must be used in a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned and should never be used as a form of punishment. Incidents where physical restraint is necessary, it must be recorded in the bound and numbered book and reported to parents.

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Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
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Wicklea Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590