Children’s Questions regarding SEND Provision

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How does the education setting know if I need extra help?

At Wicklea Academy we look carefully at every child’s learning in all areas of the curriculum. If we can see that you are finding things difficult we have meetings to talk about how we can help your learning in the future.

What should I do if I think I need extra help?

If you think you need extra help you can speak to your class teacher or teaching assistant. They will then pass on your worries to Mrs Lucas who is responsible for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

How will my work be organised to meet my individual needs?

Your work will be organised depending on the help you need. This is different for everyone. It may involve the teacher checking you understand more, a teaching assistant doing some work with you, extra resources in the classroom or prompts to help you be more independent.

How will I be involved in planning for my needs and who will explain it and help me?

Three times a year your teacher will write targets on your Learning Support Plan (LSP) showing the help you will have. It is your job as well to be involved in these LSP’s so your teacher will arrange meetings with you where you can say how you think you are doing and what you think you need to learn next.

Who will tell me what I can do to help myself and be more independent?

Your class teacher or teaching assistant will help you to become increasingly more independent in your learning. Sometimes we ask experts who work outside the school to come in and give us advice on how to help you too.

What should I do if I am worried about something?

If you are worried about anything it is important to speak to your class teacher or a teaching assistant. If you feel you can’t speak to them you can also speak to your parents/carers or Mrs Lucas.

How will I know if I am doing as well as I should?

You will know how well you are doing because the teachers and teaching assistants will talk to you and you can read their marking (if you need help to do this just ask).

How can I get help if I am worried about things other than my work?

If you are worried about something other than work you can still speak to your class teacher or teaching assistants. It might also be the time to speak to the school’s Family Link Worker if you think they may be able to help.

Are there staff in school who are trained to help children who need extra help?

All of the adults in school are trained as needed to help the children they teach and help.

Can school staff get extra help from experts outside of the school if they need to? (eg medical conditions)

There are many experts that school can get help from including a school nurse, doctors, educational psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, outreach teams and many more depending on the help we need.

If I have a difficulty taking part in school what different arrangements can be made?

  1. How will I know who can help me?
  2. Who can I talk to about getting involved in student activities if I need extra help?
  3. If I have a disability or additional need how can I join in school activities?

In school we work as a big team making sure that you can take part in all of the activities we do. This means that we have meetings to make sure you have the help you need. We will often ask for your help too when making these decisions. When a plan is made, an adult you know will explain what happens next.

What help is there to get me ready for a new school?

When you are ready to go to a new school we will help you by organising a transition plan. Sometimes these plans involve meetings between the two schools, making transition books with pictures or visits to the new school. We will do everything we can to help you get ready for this change.

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Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
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Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590