In-Year Admissions Cycle

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History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change


Formal Application – All in-year applications must be made in writing to Waycroft Multi Academy Trust using the In-year application form.

In-Year Admissions – Guidance for Schools and Academies who process their own in year admissions

School and Academies must comply with the School Admissions Code (2014), the School Appeals Code (2012) and other education legislation and regulations as part of their funding agreement.

Step One

  • School receives an enquiry regarding availability of school places.
  • School advises if the year group(s) have places available.
  • Please note schools and academies have a legal duty to advise the Local Authority the numbers on roll to enable information to be provided to potential applicants. (School Admissions Code 2.21) This information will be shared with parents/carers and other parties within the Local Authority working to support families.
  • If the enquiry is more than a casual request, ask parent/carer to make a formal application using the school’s in-year application form.
  • Applications can be made using a paper application form.
  • Parent/carer and other parties to be advised when making a formal enquiry the turnaround time for processing an application, outcome of the application to be made in writing within 10 school days from the date application received.

Step Two

  • Written application received.
  • School advises the outcome of application within the published turnaround time and informs the Local Authority an application has been made and the outcome. (School Admissions Code 2.22)
  • Places must be offered only in accordance with the published admission criteria only. (School Admissions Code 2.19) Places must be offered up to the school’s planned admissions number (PAN).

Children in Care

The Stat Guidance (Promoting the Education of Looked After Children, 2014) says:

  • “Looked after children have been given the highest priority within school admission arrangements”
  • Education should be secured “within 5 school days”.
  • “The local authority, as a corporate parent, does not tolerate drift and delay where children the authority looks after are without an education placement that is appropriate to their assessed needs”.

The Local Authority respond to the applicant (the Social Worker) within 24 hours from the date of application and contact The HOPE on 0117 903 6282 at the same time. A school place is not offered without the agreement of The Hope Virtual School. The expectation is that schools will admit children in care above their planned admission number (PAN) and the school place will be taken up within the next 5 school days. We recommend own admission authority schools follow the above principles.

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Children

  • Applications are processed within the same timescales as children in care, with the expectation that the school place will be taken up within 5 school days. We recommend own admission authority schools follow this principle.

General Guidance

If a school place can be offered, the child will be admitted to the school within the published timescale from the date offer was made in writing. For example, child to be admitting to the school within 10 days from the date offer letter sent.

Please note Local Authorities have been fined where admission to school exceeded 20 school days from the date offer was made.

Step Three

  • If a school place cannot be offered the applicant must be advised the outcome of the application in writing including:
    1. The reason the place was refused.
    2. Confirming the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel and deadline for lodging an appeal.
    3. The contact details of the person facilitating the appeal hearing.
    4. Confirming the right to place child on the waiting list for a place. (School Admissions Code 2.24)

Step Four

  • If parent wishes to lodge an appeal, the appeal must be heard within 30 school days from the date the appeal was lodged. (School Appeals Code 2.3d)
  • If the appeal is upheld child is admitted to the school.
  • If the appeal is unsuccessful the child remains on the waiting list for the remainder of the academic year.
  • Parent advised when to make an application for the next academic year.
  • If a school place is required the following academic year, the parent/carer must re-apply.

End of Process

Appendix A

Executive Headteacher: Tracy French
Waycroft Academy Head of School: Lisa Craig
Wicklea Academy Head of School: Matt Morgan
Woodlands Academy Head of School: Heather Morris

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Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
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Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590