Friends of Wicklea

The Friends of Wicklea are a group of parents and carers who get together to raise money for the school by organising events and fun activities. The money we raise is used to fund equipment and activities which benefit all the pupils at the school and supports the curriculum. We meet once or twice a term to plan new events and discuss past events. All are welcome and new ideas greatly received.

Previous purchases include the reading books for the library, games for wet play and a significant contribution towards the climbing equipment in the playground. We have also funded visits by authors.

In addition to running summer and Christmas fairs we have run fun events like school discos, quiz nights, cake sales and an after school cafe.

PTE Committee

Suze Ashley – Chair

Hi, I’m Suze and I am the Chair of The Friends of Wicklea. My son is currently in Year 4 and whilst he was in infant school I was the Chair of their PTA.

I love being part of the friends because although our purpose is to raise money for ours kids school I’ve met some wonderful friends along the way.

There is never any pressure to commit or give any more of your time than you can and we are always grateful for any help offered.

We love new faces and new ideas and I’m looking forward to meeting more of you in the future.

Whether it’s to join us for a cuppa and a piece of cake at a meeting, or to help out at the events, everyone is always welcome!

Sue Stone – Secretary

Hi I’m Sue.

I have a daughter at Wicklea Academy and have been involved with Friends events for over 4 years.

I’ve enjoyed my time so much that this year I’ve volunteered to be the charities Secretary.

I joined the friends committee to support school and help raise funds to enhance the lives of the school children.

I enjoy being part of a very friendly bunch of parents that form the ‘Friends of Wicklea’.

Liz Brown

Hi, I’m Liz. l have three children, my eldest is at Wicklea Academy, with my middle child starting this September.

I’ve been an active member of the friends committee over the last four years.

l really enjoy being part of the group with other parents to help make the school a better place for the children.

During my time on the friends committee l have been part of raising funds used to make Wicklea Academy a fun and exciting place to learn!

Catherine Netto

Hi! I have a daughter at Wicklea and a son who is excited to join Wicklea in September.

I also have an energetic two year old who keeps me busy and joins us at meetings.

The Friends are a great bunch and I enjoy making a difference.

The coffee and cake are good too!

Sam Shepherd

Hi I’m Sam a mum of 3, I have a daughter at Wicklea Academy. I live in the local community.

I joined friends of Wicklea as I want to enrich my child and other children’s experience in education and their wellbeing.

In the past I helped at my children’s previous schools. I enjoy the friendly, welcoming atmosphere of the friends of Wicklea.

Contact Us

Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
Contact Us
Wicklea Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590