Curriculum aims
Our curriculum aims/intends to:
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all pupils that’s coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge for skills and future learning
- Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills, and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations
- Support pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Support pupils’ physical development and responsibility for their own health, and enable them to be active Promote a positive attitude towards learning
- Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support
- Have a high academic/vocational/technical ambition for all pupils
- Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life
2. Legislation and guidance
This policy reflects the requirements for academies to provide a broad and balanced curriculum as per the Academies Act 2010, and the National Curriculum programmes of study which we have chosen to follow.
It also reflects requirements for inclusion and equality as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2014 and Equality Act 2010, and refers to curriculum-related expectations of governing boards set out in the Department for Education’s Governance Handbook.
This policy complies with our funding agreement and articles of association.
In addition, this policy acknowledges the requirements for promoting the learning and development of children set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework.
Roles and responsibilities
The Board of Trustees and Local Academy Councillors
The Trustees and Councillors will monitor the effectiveness of this policy and hold the Executive Headteacher to account for its implementation.
They will also ensure that:
- A robust framework is in place for setting curriculum priorities and aspirational targets
- The Multi Academy Trust (MAT) is complying with its funding agreement and teaching a “broad and balanced curriculum” which includes English, maths, and science, and enough teaching time is provided for pupils to cover the requirements of the funding agreement
- Proper provision is made for pupils with different abilities and needs, including children with special educational needs (SEN)
- The school implements the relevant statutory assessment arrangements
- It participates actively in decision-making about the breadth and balance of the curriculum
Heads of School
The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that this policy is adhered to, and that:
- All required elements of the curriculum, and those subjects which the school chooses to offer, have aims and objectives which reflect the aims of the school and indicate how the needs of individual pupils will be met
- The amount of time provided for teaching the required elements of the curriculum is adequate and is reviewed by the Board of trustees
- They manage requests to withdraw children from curriculum subjects, where appropriate The individual Academies’ procedures for assessment meet all legal requirements
- The Board of Trustees is fully involved in decision-making processes that relate to the breadth and balance of the curriculum
- The Trustees and Local Academy Councillors are advised on whole-academy targets in order to make informed decisions
- Proper provision is in place for pupils with different abilities and needs, including children with SEN
Other staff
Other staff will ensure that the Acadmey curriculum is implemented in accordance with this policy. Curriculum Leaders will support the Heads of School in monitoring their subjects, ensuring staff are supported with training and resources where needed.
Organisation and planning
Our curriculum is planned around topics of varying lengths and where possible enhanced by local amenities and sites of local interest.
- Subjects are organised into topics of varying length depending on the academy (Appendix 2)
- Our curriculum planning includes
- Relationships and health education
- Relationships and sex education
- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- British values
- long-term annual overviews (Appendix 2)
See our EYFS policy for information on how our early years curriculum is delivered.
Teachers set high expectations for all pupils. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including:
- More able pupils
- Pupils with low prior attainment
- Pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Pupils with SEN
- Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL)
Teachers will plan lessons so that pupils with SEN and/or disabilities can study every National Curriculum subject, wherever possible, and ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving.
Teachers will also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English. Lessons will be planned so that teaching opportunities help pupils to develop their English, and to support pupils to take part in all subjects.
Further information can be found in our statement of equality information and objectives, and in our SEN policy and information report.
Monitoring arrangements
Trustees and Local Academy Councillors monitor whether the school is complying with its funding agreement and teaching a “broad and balanced curriculum” which includes the required subjects, through:
- Termly Local Academy Council meetings in each academy
- Raising Achievement Reviews with Robinswood Multi Academy Trust
- South 3 Cluster Schools, Peer to Peer reviews
- South 3 Cluster Schools moderation
- Cross Multi Academy Trust moderation meetings
- Pupil progress meeting reports
Subject leaders monitor the way their subject is taught throughout the academies by:
- Planning scrutiny
- learning walks
- Book scrutiny
- Lesson visits
- Speaking with children
Subject leaders also have responsibility for monitoring the way in which resources are stored and managed.
Appendix 1 details the academies Intent, Implementation and Impact overviews
This policy will be reviewed every 3 years by the Executive Headteacher. At every review, the policy will be shared with the full Board of Trustees.
Links with other policies
This policy links to the following policies and procedures:
- EYFS policy
- Assessment policy
- SEN policy and information report
- Equality information and objectives
Appendix 1 Intent, Implementation and Impact overviews

Appendix 2 – Long-term plans
Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6