Curriculum overview

Whole School Curriculum Intent

At Wicklea, we believe that our curriculum is one which is broad and balanced and ambitious for all. It is exciting, relevant and meaningful and responds to the needs of the children, enabling them to shine academically and flourish socially, emotionally, morally and culturally.
We believe our curriculum should be seen in its widest sense – as the entire planned learning experience, including formal learning opportunities as well as events, routines and enrichment activities which take place outside the classroom.

In addition, permeating our curriculum are our core values ~ Respect, Ready, Resilient ~ together with the British Values of Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Democracy and the Rule of Law.

Our curriculum at Wicklea is designed to allow each one of our children to:

  • Achieve the best possible academic standards, demonstrating growth, whatever their ability.
  • Be confident, creative and resilient, displaying a thirst for learning.
  • Be kind and honest, showing empathy and compassion whilst valuing diversity and equality.
  • Develop skills and personal qualities for lifelong learning, preparing children for the challenge of the secondary school curriculum and beyond, so they can make an active contribution to society.
  • Have aspirations for the future and know that these can be reached through hard work and commitment.
  • Be culturally knowledgeable about our community, country and world.
  • Become mentally and emotionally happy and resilient citizens, ready for the challenges of the 21st century.

For full information regarding our curriculum intent, please read the whole school overview below, in conjunction with the intent, implementation and impact documents for each subject area.

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum approach

At Wicklea we have designed our curriculum based upon the content and progression of key skills from the National Curriculum. The knowledge and skills the children learn at Wicklea provides them with the best chance of success when they are formally assessed at the end of Key Stage Two and gives them a strong foundation for their secondary school education.

Wicklea’s long-term plans give an overview of what is taught in each year group. Most topics last for a term, however some may run over two terms. Links across the curriculum are made where possible, with many English lessons linking to the current topic. Some subjects are taught discretely if they do not link with the topic.

Each topic begins with a wow event which stimulates a child’s thinking about the topic ahead and encourages them to think of questions they would like to answer. It is often an exciting and practical event which engages and enthuses the children to find out more. The wow event is part of the immersion stage of the topic. This is followed by the development and consolidation of skills while acquiring knowledge and vocabulary associated with the topic. There are then opportunities for individuals, pairs or groups to apply and demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways such as: through art; using ICT; written projects or drama.

Wicklea also teaches through a range of assemblies and themed days/weeks. This allows the children to have a broad understanding of the wider curriculum and helps develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. The Wicklea curriculum ensures children develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully and contribute positively during their next stage of education and beyond.

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Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
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Wicklea Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590