Pupil Premium & Catch-up Funding

You may be aware the Government is providing schools with additional ‘Pupil Premium’ funding for each child that currently receives, (or has in the past received) free school meals (FSM), children who have a parent/carer in the services, children who have been adopted from care or children in care. If you think you might qualify for free school meals please see a member of the administrative team or apply directly via the link in the ‘Parents’ section of the website.

Wicklea Governors and senior leaders have determined how the Wicklea Academy Pupil Premium funding will be spent. Full details and the impact it has can be found within the Pupil Premium Strategy.

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Wicklea Academy
Wick Road
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Wicklea Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590